Jade Tikal Masks from Guatemala

Tikal, located in northern Guatemala, is one of the largest Mayan archaeological city sites covering 6.2 square miles with more than 3000 different structures identified. The site is believed to have been occupied from 800 BC until 900 AD, and during its high point, 200 AD – 900 AD, it was the super power among the Maya city-states with a population estimated at up to 100,000 inhabitants.

Tikal is among the world’s travel wonders and one of the most spiritual spots on earth.

The original Tikal Funeral Mask was discovered in 1963. It was made out of jade, jasper, serpentine, obsidian, and shell and was found broken into several pieces in a structure named Tomb Number 160. It was restored by an international group of archaeologists and dated to 527AD.

The original is currently on display at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology in Guatemala City. In 1987 the Tikal Funeral Mask was the haunting cover photo of “The National Geographic” magazine and has since become an icon of Mayan Classic Period art.

These spectacular reproductions are beautifully made by a Guatemalan Mayan descendant artist using local Jadeite Jade. Each is mounted on a raw Jade rock base. We are able to offer two sizes:

Large – The Mask size without base is 9.5” tall and 6.75” wide.
Small – The Mask size without base is 7.5” tall and 6” wide.

*The overall sizes will vary depending on slight variations in the individual Masks and the size of the base Jade rocks which will add 1-2” in height.

Jade Masks from Guatemala
Large Jade Tikal Mask
from Guatemala


TAGS: Mayan Jade Masks, Replica Tikal Masks, Jade Carvings, Jade Art by the Maya, Guatemala

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